How to update related contacts when shared activities are logged using flow?

What are Shared Activities?

Shared activities is a feature that allows association of multiple contacts to a single task. This feature can be turned on by navigating to Setup | Feature Settings | Sales | Activity Settings. Turning on this feature may take up to 48 hours depending on the number of tasks that already exist in the Org.

Problem: Standard LastActivityDate field in contact object does not get updated on all contacts when a task is associated to multiple contacts. Only the primary contact's LastActivityDate is updated by default. Reports using LastActivityDate will have wrong Activity Date.

Solution: Create a custom datetime field and update the field using the flow to track contact activities. LastActivityDate is a read only field and cannot be updated. 

Expanded view of flow components for reference:
  • Record-Triggered Flow 
  • Get Related Task Who Records 

  • Iterate Task Who Collection

  • Check if the Who type is 'Contact'

  • Bulkify the Contact Update Collection by creating individual contact record and adding it to the collection

  • Update the collection


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